Thursday, April 26, 2007

iGrill, you grill, geeks and maggots

It sounds like an April Fool's joke that has missed the deadline, but Engadget reports that this really is George Forman's latest creation - the iGrill.

As the photo shows, it's as much designed for use in the garden as indoors, and claims its tech tag by incorporating a 10w speaker system, USB port and iPod dock so that you can listen to music while you cook, not the complaints of hungry guests at your BBQ who are still waiting to be fed because you got your timings all wrong.

You can buy it for $150 on the Linens n Things site but there's no sign of it on George Foreman's Lean Mean website at the time of writing

For the original working iGrill though, you have to let the true geek in you come out, and enjoy the sight of a George Foreman Grill that's had its guts ripped out and turned into a working computer. Ahh but does it grill? And is it fat-busting? Well, according to its 'inventor', it might manage a "cheese toastie". It even comes with clear, step by step instructions to build your own.

As an aside, I worked until recently with someone who'd turned his George Foreman Grill into a working maggot farm. The steps were dead easy:
1. Go out and get very drunk
2. Get home with extreme munchies
3. Cook chicken on Grill
4. Drunkenly cover hot - but now unplugged - grill (complete with bits of chicken stuck to it) with damp cloth
5. Leave for several days
6. Get drunk again, have munchies, turn on Grill and in the smog of alcoholic confusion, wonder why it's sizzling and smells odd.
7. Question sanity because you don't remember cooking anything with breadcrumbs.
8. Cook chicken anyway
9. Remember smell next day, investigate grill and recognise the breadcrumbs for what they were.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a someone who until recently worked with the 'brains' behind Gadget chic (or perhaps that should be 'gadget chick?) I would like to state for the record that the above post is totally and utterly... true. And I'm very ashamed. But still quite peckish...